If both eyes feel irritated, here's what to do! - Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital

If both eyes feel irritated, here’s what to do!

If both eyes feel irritated, here’s what to do!

We frequently are asked what to do if your eyes feel like there is something in them and they are irritated. If BOTH your eyes are affected, it is less likely to be a foreign body which is usually only in one eye. 

If this happens, we recommend the following:

  • Remain calm
  • Keep your hands away from your eye and avoid rubbing the eyes.
  • If you have eye drops, such as Tears Naturale, Optive, Systain or Xailin, place a few drops into your irritated eye as this will help soothe your eye. Tilt your head back, pull the lower lid down with your index finger and place 1-2 drops in the pouch that is formed.  You can repeat every ten minutes if necessary. If you are unable to do this yourself, we suggest you ask a friend or family member to help.
  • Close your eyes, and if possible, go and lie down for 15 to 20 minutes to help retain the natural eye fluids in the eyes.

We recommend you look for assistance from a medical professional:

  • If your eyes are not better or are worsening after the above interventions, please see your GP or Optometrist for advice and they will refer you to an Ophthalmologist if needed. 
  • If you were welding or grinding in the last 24-48 hours, it is more likely to be arc eyes or a metal foreign body and you will have to see your GP or Optometrist who can refer you to an  Ophthalmologist if needed.
  • If your eyes are very red, painful, light-sensitive or your vision is affected, it is best to consult your GP or Optometrist immediately who can then refer you to an Ophthalmologist if needed.

If you are unsure what to do, you may always contact Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital for guidance and advice via our social media, website, email or call 033 845 2020.

Stay safe. Stay at home.

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