International Nurses Day 2023
International Nurses Day 2023 marked the deliberate change in focus to a remarkable future. After spending 3 years elaborating on “Nurses, The Voice to Lead”, the 2023 theme of “ Our Nurses. Our Future”, acknowledges the critical role nurses are going to play in the future of sustainable universal healthcare globally.
A clear realisation from the demands of the past 3 years is that nurses form the backbone of a healthcare system and need to be actively engaged in planning and policymaking at all levels, from local Hospital policies to the global strategy. The care at Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital pivots on our nurses’ needs to enable them to do what they do best- Nurse.
The International Council of Nurses President, Dr Cipriano, explains that ‘It is now time to look to the future and demonstrate what these investments will mean for nursing and healthcare. Nurses are key to healthier communities, responsive societies, thriving economies, and powerful nations.”
Embracing the developments in technology and science will be necessary to survive, but Nurses will always be needed for people to thrive. Our Nurses. Our Future.
To mark the occasion, our nurses said the nurses pledge together and received blankets in thanks before enjoying a team braai.
A special shout-out was done to a nurse across the seas at Georgia Heart Institute in the United States.

Addendum: The Charter for Change presents ten policy actions that governments and employers must take if they are to create and sustain healthcare systems that are safe, affordable, accessible, responsive, and resilient, shifting the focus from nurses being invisible, to invaluable. Click here to view the Charter.