Recently, we celebrated restoring sight to our 2000th patient, Mrs Nidd, who commented she could immediately detect a dramatic improvement in her sight. By the morning after the procedure, she could see clearly. “I think it is amazing that people have the ability to make others see again.” said Mrs Nidd.
Dr Anderson, Mrs Nidd’s ophthalmologist who performed the surgery, remarked restoring sight is a team effort with each member playing an essential role. “Loss of vision results in a loss of independence, self-confidence, and safety. These simple pleasures, often taken for granted, are sorely missed when lost. It is a privilege to have been able to impact so many lives through the Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital in just over a year. We thank the community for trusting us to care for your eyes.”
Caption (L to R): Jessica Emmanuel (Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital Theatre Manager) ,Dr Anderson (Ophthalmologist), Mrs Nidd (2000th Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital Patient) and Allison Deysel (Pietermaritzburg Eye Hospital Manager)
Hospital manager, Allison Deysel, thanked the entire doctor and hospital team for the contribution each made to reaching the 2000th patient milestone and said “We look forward to the possibilities that lie ahead.”